Friday, 15 May 2009

Our Letter Concerning Students

This letter has been sent to our neighbouring university college, having the most population at our housing area.

DATE : 15th May 2009

Dear Sir/ Madam,

RE : Students Staying at Desa Kolej, Putra Nilai

On behalf of the residents of Desa Kolej, we would like to draw your attention on the matters concerning students of your institute who are staying at our premise.

Desa Kolej has been identified as a housing area for the elites, with its strategic location between KLIA and Seremban, serves many types of demographic groups for this region. Many of the residents are working people and have family, of which most of them have children who are still schooling or babies.

With the grown-up students staying here in Desa Kolej, there have been many problems caused by them that tarnish the peace and harmonious of this place. We have no objection of the type of people staying here, but we would like to seek your kind consideration and cooperation to assist us, the Residents Association of Desa Kolej to bring back the healthy and peaceful environment of this area we once had.

We received numerous complaints from the residents regarding the students especially concerning the noise, manners and rubbish dumping problem. We regret to say that most students either local or international are not respecting their neighbors and do not bother the time to carry out any form of activities. They often make lots of noise by partying, shouting, singing, playing music, games and so forth at night and sometimes until the next morning, while the neighbors were struggling to catch up some sleep. Liquor bottles, cans, wrappers, food waste were just been dumped not only within the house compound but also in the drains and on the children playground, though they are not supposed to conduct any party on the children playground!

The international students, especially Africans have been marked as inconsiderate and reckless drivers. We appreciate if you could help us to avoid any casualty caused by them. They also seemed to be very proud with excessive volume of their car sound systems which cause unpleasant phenomenon to the neighbors.

We believe that the accommodations of some students are managed by your institute. For this, we believe that you would have ways to attend to the above-said problems. However, for the students who arranged their own accommodation here, we would like to suggest to your respective department to create awareness among the students, perhaps through students’ society to ‘care and love their neighbors’. We are sure that other neighboring housing areas are also facing similar problems.

Should you need to have a dialogue between us to overcome the problems as said above, we are much delighted to come forward. It would also be a good idea to invite authorities into the dialogue to gain better input and feedback. Hopefully, an effective solution would be reached.

We are pleased to share our updates with you which is available on our website

Thank you so much for the anticipation and your promptness to attend to the above-mentioned problems.

Yours sincerely;

The Chairman
Resident Association of Desa Kolej

Thursday, 14 May 2009


Perkembangan Projek Surau Al-Hidayah Desa Kolej(.)
Tapak yang diperuntukkan telah pun sempurna di gazetkan oleh Pejabat Tanah Seremban dan diluluskan oleh Jabatan Agama Negeri Sembilan dalam sari dua ini selepas sekian lama menunggu. Saya pun tak tahu di mana silapnya!!

AJK Surau akan bermesyuarat pada malam ini jam 9.00 14.5.2009 untuk memutuskan dan memilih rupa bentuk dan lay-out nya. Pihak Jabatan Agama Islam N/S juga telah meminta pihak kita mengisi satu borang khas untuk dimajukan ke Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk mendapatkan peruntukan keewangan. Saya telah tegaskan setiap AJAK yang telah diberi tugas secara spesifik hendaklah bersedia setiap masa untuk korbankan masa peribadi (maksud saya mesti ada personal commitment ) kerana projek ini telah lama tertangguh.

Kami sedang berusaha bersungguh-sungguh ke arah merealisasikan impian untuk mendapat surau kita sendiri. Biarlah ianya berharga mahal sedikit kerana kita pentingkan kualiti supaya ia boleh dibanggakan kelak sebagai "landmark" di taman kita ini bukannya seperti bangunan yang tak sudah(macam bangunan pisang sesikat aje) sebaliknya sebagai suatu mercu tanda yang bakal menjadi sebutan bukan sahaja oleh kita semua malah pengunjung-pengunjung dan anak cucu kita.Insya Allah.

Mengenai jumlah kutipan wang derma yang terkumpul setakat ini lebih kurang RM35,000.00. Wang itu akan terus tersimpan di dalam akaun khusus untuk itu dan hanya akan digunakan untuk penyelengaraan, saraan dan perbelanjaan contigency sahaja sehingga kita ada kekuatan sendiri-PENGERUSI.

Lokasi sampah sarap di Desa Kolej

Salam kepada semua penduduk. Keadaan kebersihan kawasan kita terlalulah menyedihkan sekali. Kalau tak percaya lalulah di tempat-tempat yang saya tandakan. Masih terlalu banyak bungkusan makanan, bekas botol minuman, kertas tisu dll bertaburan di sepanjang jalan. Pemilik-pemilik rumah yang mencantas pokok-pokok mengambil jalan mudah melonggokkannya di tepi jalan.

Saya percaya pihak MPN tidak akan mengutip sampah begini. Akibatnya orang-orang yang cintakan kebersihan persekitaran berasa pedih dan menderita. Saya telah menemui Pengarah Kesihatan MPN, Encik Kamarulzaman di pejabatnya pada 13.5.2009 jam 10.30am bersama beberapa AJK. Saya telah meminta pandangan beliau apakah langkah2 yang boleh diambil terhadap pemilik-pemilik rumah yang tidak menghiraukan kebersihan dengan membiarkan sampah sarap di persekitaran rumah. Beliau meminta saya mengambil gambar-gambar dan e-mail kan kepadanya. Tindakan beliau selanjutnya ialah memberi notis kepada tuan-tuan rumah kemudian diikuti oleh kompaun.

Saya harap tidak ada di antara kita dikenakan tindakan sedemikian. DEMI KEBAIKAN SEMUA inilah yang akan saya lakukan sehinggalah kawasan perumahan kita betul-betul ada "class"! Saya akan meronda setiap masa. Insya Allah di dalam beberapa hari ini suatu program untuk pencegahan penyakit CHIKUKUNYA akan dilancarkan di taman kita. Program yang sama sudah pun dijalankan di Enstek- PENGERUSI.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Kebersihan Kawasan Kita

Salam dari Pengerusi DK untuk semua ............

Saya menyeru agar kita semua bersama-sama menjaga kebersihan kawasan DK khususnya di sepanjang jalan masuk utama. Terdapat botol2 air, kertas2 tisu, bekas bungkusan dsb dicampak merata2. Kita baru sahaja lakukan gotong royong membersihkan kawasan.. letih penduduk yang inginkan kawasan DK bersih belum hilang lagi. Diharap semua dapat memberi kerjasama dalam menjadikan taman DK bersih dan indah.

Marilah kita sama2 bertanggungjawab menjaga kawasan perumahan kita ini. Matlamat kita .... menjadikan Desa Kolej kawasan kediaman elit yang berprestij. Sudah pasti kita mahukan kawasan kita bersih. Jangan hannya harapkan MPN membersihkan sampah sarap yang kita sendiri sepahkan. Kebersihan bermula dari kita sendiri.

Saya juga ingin mengucapkan TERIMAKSIH kepada segelintir penduduk yang betul2 perihatin terhadap kebersihan. Satu contoh yang baik, ada joggers (En. Salman dan ada seorang lagi wanita India) yang memungut bekas2 plastik, botol, dsb di padang permainan sambil berjogging. Semangat beginilah yang kita mahu pada setiap penduduk. Diharap lebih ramai lagi sukarelawan yang tampil seperti ini.

Saya menyeru sekali lagi, marilah kita bersama2 menjaga kebersihan kawasan kita. Terimakasih.

Baharin Rejab

Wednesday, 6 May 2009


This posting is especially meant for STUDENTS of the neigbouring institutes....

We, the Committee of Resident Association of Desa Kolej, have received lots of complains from the residents about students (local and foreigners) staying in this housing area. As such, we need your cooperation and consideration, especially in improving these areas:-

Please DRIVE SLOWLY and cautious of kids, cyclists ..... don't scare them, don't worry them!

Please keep the VOLUME to the MINIMUM of ....
--> the music either from your house or your vehicle;
--> your own voice especially late at night;

Please DO NOT LITTER or scatter any form of rubbish/ unused items/ bottles/ cans/ etc. anywhere, especially ....
--> in front of your house
--> at the backyard of your house
--> on the field (ie: the children playground)
--> along the roadside

DO RESPECT your neighbours and other residents by not having any form of party/gathering....
--> exceeding 12.00 midnight
--> at the playground
--> with rubbish/leftover scattered after the party
--> with uncontrolled sound - voices/ music

Let's make Desa Kolej clean, safe and beautiful. Thank you.